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The Most Common Affiliate Marketing Mistake Made By Newbies
By KarriL Hull
The most common marketing mistake made by newbies, is believing the myth that they will amass a great fortune overnight.

Myths concerning marketing and how easy it is to earn tons of money in very little time if you follow this system or that, abound. The promises are appealing and enticing. To newbies, these products can end up leading to their downfall. Dreams of instant wealth swim in the newbie affiliates' heads, but when they don't achieve the promised results, disappointment and discouragement begins to set in.

It is true enough that marketing can be extremely financially rewarding. Successful affiliates are people who have started at the bottom and trained thoroughly in their field. They know what they should and shouldn't do. Most have had their share of campaign failures, but have learned from their mistakes. And having gone through the A-Z of marketing, these people are now living the good life, earning more than $1000 per day. But there is nothing EASY about it.

Failure to get the proper marketing education is the most common mistake made by marketing newbies. Excitedly the newbie spends $30-$50 for an eBook that promises to teach the way to overnight riches, and he hungrily reads the entire manual in one afternoon. However, marketing is a complicated, competitive industry, and there is much more knowledge needed than could ever be learned from an eBook or two. So the newbie soon finds himself buying more eBooks, training packages and tools of the trade. He or she now realizes that marketing is not as simple as promoting a merchant’s wares through his website and getting paid for it, and there are many more questions than answers. His "must learn" list grows, while his bank account shrinks. He has no direction, no way of figuring out what he should be learning first because there is so much more to it than he ever imagined, and he begins to give up.

So what is the answer?

The way to avoid all

of the most common mistakes made by marketing newbies, is to get the proper marketing schooling, right out of the gate.

Some of the things that you will need to learn before you will be able to seriously start making any money includes:
-the inner workings of marketing;
-what are networks and how can you leverage them;
-the different "types" of Internet marketing;
-how to become an expert- not a generalis;
-choosing an industry and product to sell online;
-understanding your consumers;
-setting up a Pay-Per-Click advertising account;
-understanding market & keyword research;
-using keyword tools;
-how to leverage your competition;
-how relevancy = success (broad marketing vs. targeted marketing);
-how to build SEO websites, landing pages and blogs;
-how to create free marketing campaigns;
-creating paid marketing campaigns,
-Email marketing & using autoresponders,
-customer service & communication skills,
-online networking and relationship building,
-tracking your ads and analyzing results,
-proper split testing techniques,
-bridging campaigns between different IM techniques & platforms,
-using Squidoo,
-how to spy on your competition,
-and so much more.

Trying to be a successful without gettting the proper marketing education, is as crazy as trying to become a doctor without going to medical school. There are a couple of great affilaite marketing schools online, and it is imperitive to join one. Membership is extremely affordable, and you are given access to all the necessary tools of the trade so you don't have to spend additional money. You will have mentoring and support when you have questions or concerns, and these schools alos offer an opportunity to earn a long-term, residual income. Join an online marketing school to become a professional marketer. Then you will avoid all the common marketing mistakes made by newbies.
To get 50% off your first month membership to Wealthy Affiliate University, plus 10 best selling eBooks FREE, go to


We strive to provide only quality articles, so if there is a specific topic related to affiliate that you would like us to cover, please contact us at any time.

And again, thank you to those contributing daily to our solar energy affiliate marketing website.

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